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Hayes Park School

Pupil Parliament

Over the years, Pupil Parliament has become a very popular and respected role which children take pride in applying for before completing whole school tasks, throughout the academic year. The Pupil Parliament team consists of one representative from each class from years 2 – 6. KS1 members of Pupil Parliament are called Mini Ministers and their role is designed to give them an insight into opportunities available when they progress into KS2.  To become a Pupil Parliament representative, children must prepare a poster and speech to present to their peers during the first half term of the academic year. To promote democracy and in line with our SMSC policy, children are then elected by their peers and they are given a badge to represent their important role within the school. The Pupil Parliament’s hard work supporting whole school projects has resulted in Hayes Park School being awarded the Healthy London School’s Gold Award, which we are incredibly proud of.

The Pupil Parliament team are involved in a wide range of activities throughout the year including:

  • Leading assemblies
  • Collecting pupil voice about various topics and current issues
  • Meeting with the senior leadership team
  • Supporting whole school projects such as Anti-Bullying, e-safety and Inter Faith Week
  • Participating in events and projects with the Yeading Cluster
  • Actively engage in WE Day projects
  • Working alongside our local MP: John McDonnell
  • Attending regular meetings
  • Create videos and posters to promote whole school events
  • Meetings and workshops with local police
  • Completing basic first aid training to then share information with peers
  • Discussions with our governors
  • Actively part of whole school awards and external assessors
  • Attending workshops at The Houses of Parliament in line with our British values and beliefs